среда, 27 февраля 2013 г.

Life in pictures

Do you know also this problem with tons of pictures saved on you computer? What to do with them? One day I'm gonna to sort them (I guess, the most of them will be deleted:)), to order the rest and to make something with the best (photo-books, albums or display them as art).

But for now, just as warm up, the first insights. Here you go.

Fiorina, a baby

Celebrating Purim at Igor's office in Stuttgart. Playing games. 

My mom. Barcelona

Daniel with his violin teacher Prof. Georgy Baynov and his wife

Outside area at Sasha's (Igor's brother) and Barbara's apartment. How many afternoons we spent there, eating and drinking and chilling  

Antibes, France. Visiting Picasso museum

Odessa. Nothing changed

Odessa, Deribasovskaja Street. With friends. But not all of them.

My brother Jura and his wife Natasha

Visiting Kiewo-Pecherskaja Lavra in Kiew

Italian ice cream is awesome! Florence


Kiew, Cuban restaurant, with my brother and friends

вторник, 26 февраля 2013 г.

What makes me happy?

It's such a simple question. There are a lot of things I really love and enjoy and they make me smiling.

Let's start. There is no ranking, just how it comes to my mind.

Just yesterday I met with with my friends for lunch at Julia's home. We had delicious pasta, a healthy salad and an apple tart.

Plus white wine. Simple and easy. The company is great. We can talk,

Julia is showing her art. Love it!
we can laugh and we understand each other. Tjapa, Julia's small maltipoo, was always around. Love it!

My kids.
Sometimes I'm screaming at them, because they don't behave the way I wish. And then my J. says "Mama, smile to me!" or my F. "Mama, let's cuddle!" (She says it in German "kuscheln"). And then I'll come down and smile and cuddle. Or those moments (right now), when D. is picking up all of them: Jonathan, Fiorina and Jessica. I feel so blessed. Because they are awesome! And my heart hurts how much I love them.

A good word, a nice quotes can make it. These are my favorites:
Here you go!
We are set.
Sure (I like how Americans pronounce it)
Vorfreude (germ., joy before happiness?! )
Doch (Germ., can't be translated. It's just doch)
Alles klar (Germ., Everything is all right. But I like, how it sounds in German)
Ah, there are so many...

Nice things at home.
A cushion,

I loved it so much, that I purchased 

this cute vases as "gifts to go" for my BD guests

Creativity you don't expect, in everyday life

So cute, right?

A good conversation,
a good book,
a bath with a foam, a book and a candle,
a good food,
nice clothes (ah, it's a totally different story!:)), a pair of shoes, a bag,
a new hair cut,
manicure/ pedicure,

Kings spa,
session with a personal trainer at gym,

"Shake your soul" course with Odelia,

Papa - kids time,

good memories,
In Odessa, chess simultant. In front is Jessica. Daniel is in a blue T-Shirt with a cap

Jonathan and Fiorina are supporting in the background

Ah, there are so many lovely things in our lives! The life is full of love. Just let it in. Enjoy!

понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

Family reunion

Recently Jonathan came up with this: "I have some good and some bad news. The good news, there are no bad news. And the bad news, there are no good news." But we do have some good news!

Daniel is visiting us for a short spring break vacation. He arrived on Friday evening, leaving a long trip behind him. Monaco - Nice - Rom (staying there overnight) - Philadelphia - Newark. Wuuh! The original idea was to "show" him Rom. But Daniel was not amused at all. He told us, it was raining all the time in Rom. A lot of drunk soccer fans in the city (on this day it was a soccer play between Lazio Rom and Borussia Mönchengladbach), some fights between German and Italian fans, no WiFi etc. I hope, on his way back he will improve his first impression dramatically. Anyway, he arrived and already in the car on our way home we started to discuss and argue. Literature, art, business,- there are so many topics you can have different opinions... So nothing has been really changed...

On Saturday we drove to the City, dropped off Jonathan at Lee Strasberg

and went to Max Brenner to get a breakfast.

After that Jessi left us for her French lesson and we remained four. Despite the fact that the rain didn't want to stop, we decided to walk to Chelsea. After a while, wet and cold, we took a taxi and drove a little.

Chelsea is well known as a place for art and creativity with the numerous of art galleries. So we started to browse. One after another. A lot of art. Completely for free.
Every gallery has each own character. It's really great to see how do the artists see the world, what do they have think about.

The seats are also supposed to be an art, for about 8 thousand bucks

One thing more that I absolutely love about New York (America?) is that you can easily get in contact with other people. You start a conversation and you never know, what you'll take with you home. At Montserrat Art Gallery http://www.montserratgallery.com we wanted to see Anya Rubin's works, but at that moment they were changing the exhibition. We knocked at the door and Richard Gins, the director of the gallery, let us inside, showed and explained the pictures and we had a nice conversation with him for an half an hour. Such a pleasure! He said, he is a little disappointed of a mass public. A lot of people don't understand the art, but they are not shy about this. Instead of saying "ok, I don't understand, but I'm willing to learn",  they even show off with their ignorance. Also Richard was talking about how much marketing is in the art. He told us a story. One big exhibition was holding in NYC. And one artist, who didn't get a chance to introduce his art at this event, exposed some his works in front of the gallery. The second year he did the same action. In the third year Wall Street Journal published an article about him. On that day the artist sold 80 pictures. Luck? Recognition? PR? Difficult to say. Another Richard's statement was that he's sick of copying. Everyone copies everyone. He can rarely see an art he is excited about. Richard Gins himself is however a great artist, photographer, musician.  He showed us also some his works. Coming back home we purchased his book "Subway riders", a selection of drawings, produced on NYC subway. I like this topic subway. It reminds me also on my other friend in Stockholm. She makes photos of people in subway, Stockholm, Moscow, Warsaw...

Wait, how did I start? Daniel, Rom, raining... How I'm going to end up? Art, NYC, raining... "Raining lady" by Anya Rubin,  "Rain man" with Dustin Hoffman... Somehow... Somewhere...  

четверг, 21 февраля 2013 г.

Dianne Reeves at Carnegie Hall

Last Friday I was visiting a concert of Dianne Reeves and friends at Carnegie Hall.

Dianne Reeves is considered to be the preeminent jazz vocalist in the world today. As a result of her virtuosity she received 4 times Grammy award. Originally from Detroit she is touring now all over the world and was playing and recording with many major orchestras.

It's my third time I'm hearing to Dianne Reeves, my personal record. First time was at BlueNote Club with Igor and our friends from Boston. And I remember, I was so amazed and overwhelmed by the power of her voice, I couldn't even breath! I was just sitting and couldn't move, drink or talk. I was like electrified. Second time was with my oldest ones Daniel and Jessica at Jazz at Lincoln Center. I thought, they should hear to this beautiful voice. I had right, they loved it and also had goose pimples. And now - Carnegie Hall with my friend Katya.

By the way, it was my first time at Carnegie Hall! (No one single free place!!!)

I just love it! The beauty and the power of her voice is amazing!

This time  Dianne prepared something special. Some of her friends were also performing on stage. Esperanza Spalding, a young bassist-vocalist-composer, she was one of the biggest breakout stars of 2011 not only in jazz, but in all genres of music. She was honored already with two Grammys. She was invited by President Barack Obama to appear at both the White House and the Nobel Peace Prize. Esperanza is so young, fresh and brilliant!

Another special guest was Lalah Hathaway. What a voice! Unbelievable! Unforgettable! And how she sang "Love me today... Tomorrow may never come..." I love it! "Love me today!"

George Duke, a big number in a music world. Nadia Washington, another outstanding artist. Terri Lyne Carrington, Grammy Award-winning drummer and composer. Wow!

And of course, Dianne herself. Her extremely positive attitude and her view on life. Of course, her voice. I love also, that in her concerts she tells stories. Often she says about her mom. I remembered one advice Dianne's mom gave to her. "Stay ready, then you don't need to get ready." Great, right?

Already now I'm looking forward to hear amazing Dianne Reeves once again!

Here you can see a concert ending. Just a little bit of spirit.

среда, 20 февраля 2013 г.

One school trip. But not only.

Today Jonathan had a school field trip to Museum of Natural History in NYC. Some active parents were accompanying the children. And Igor was thereby! Although it was not planned. A day before the school trip Jonathan started to complain, that "all the parents are going, only you don't. You missed already my Kindergarden and 1st grade trips. Uuuuu....." I couldn't help him, but Igor came up with a clever idea to join the class community at the museum. So he did. And Jonathan was so happy!

The visit was great, although a little chaotic. A lot of kids, a lot to see, you know...

But the biggest excitement was, as Igor brought home some gifts from the museum's gift shop. I'm always astonished about this my husbands ability to buy great gifts. I would never be able, because I assume, they have already everything they need. But Igor has a rare talent to find something, kids would be happy about. This time he bought an interesting book (an always welcome gift for Jonathan), beautiful stones (13 pieces!) in a small velvet bag and a pen, made from different kinds of wood, and with Jonathan's name engraved. Great, right?

Last time Jonathan's class had some troubles to go through. His teacher suddenly quitted his job because of personal reasons. So they had a substitute teacher, who was also somehow gone. Fortunately they found a new teacher. But it's still not clear, if she will bring kids till the end of the year or in April another teacher will come back from her maternity and take over the class. A little too much, but what can we do?!

In his after school activities Jonathan is progressing a lot. About a month ago he was playing in a piano concert.

He enjoys the piano and is playing all the time. His teacher says, she is thinking to send him for a competition soon. Wow!

Another thing what Jonathan loves is fencing. In May he will participate in a tournament, but probably even earlier, already in March. He currently practices 2-3 times a week and gets ready for that.

Did I mention also his swimming, Lee Strasberg Institute and shortly also art classes? Moreover he loves to read, to cook and to play with his sister. He is a busy guy, my Jonathan. And the loveliest one!

вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

Делаем суши!

В воскресенье я с детьми была в гостях у Наташи и ее дочки Эрики. Последний раз мы виделись эм .... лет 5 назад. В программе - меню были мизо-суп, суши и мороженое на основе зеленого чая. Причем, суши мы делали собственноручно!

Оказалось, что это совсем несложно.

Необходимые продукты:

Пластинки из морских водорослей


Васаби и ингвер

Режим огурцы и авокадо вдоль
Лосось полосочками

Кладем слой предварительно отваренного суши-риса на водоросли

Примерно так

Немного отступив от края выкладываем рядочком лосось, авокадо

Огурчик, зеленый лук

Сворачиваем в трубочку

И вот что получается

Разрезаем на кусочки, выкладываем на тарелочку

Можно использовать и тунца, конечно

Красота, сделанная своими руками!

Фотографируемся, но в процессе тоже участвуем

А дети едят супчик
Вобщем, что вам сказать, я сама собой горжусь! Суши! Я! Сама!

На следующий день, воодушевленная, купила все, что нужно, и повторила весь процесс дома. И даже принесла друзьям попробовать.

Спасибо всем! И приятного аппетита!