Obviously this "books" helped me to understand myself better and to figure out, what really appeals to me.
What made me happy in this terms in the last time?
At west elm (a very popular furniture and home store) I found and bought two issues of new life and design magazine, "Anthology" http://www.anthologymag.com/blog3/. I liked them, they are just stellar! I'm going to subscribe it.
For couple of days Daniel got a coupon to print out a picture in an extra large size. It's not a Groupon deal, you can do it here in every CVS or Walgreens (drugstores) and it's really very beneficial and convenience. So, only for 21$ (!) we got a beautiful picture from Jonathan in size 30x50 sm. Is this not fabulous? Yes, it is! The next step will be to get a frame in a proper size and to put the picture on the right place. I will strive to conduct this!
One of advisers from "Anthology":
"If you fall in love with it, buy it, and when you travel, pack light, so you have room to bring things home".
Here you go!