вторник, 20 ноября 2012 г.

Language question

Hey guys,

The language question in our family is an important one. Should we speak Russian? In order that our kids learn their parents mother language. Or should we speak German? In order that the youngest kids don't forget the language. Or should we speak English? To learn it better for ourselves?

My concept in this issue is simple. Do whatever natural for you is, but keep going on for what it's essential for you. You have to set the tone. Make you children curious about learning.

In our case the situation looked sometimes like this.
Igor and me are talking Russian to each other. Dani and Jessica elect German as their conversation language. And Jonathan and Fiorina prefer English. But all of us can easily switch to other language.

I strongly believe: language is a key to the people. You know one language - it's one world, one life. Two languages - two worlds, two lives etc. Languages make you life exuberant, vital and complex.

I'm not bulging that everything is perfect. But I'm not wailing. In fact sometimes I'm apprehensive: did I put enough effort? How can I foster them better? What could be beneficial for them at this point?

But overall I'm proud of my children. They turned out to be intrigued to learn, to speak and understand more than only one language. For Daniel and Jessica it was inevitable to learn French as their forth language. But they liked it. You know, now for Daniel being in Monaco French became his "street language". He started to take Italian classes in college. At the moment he indicates signs of weakness and wants to quit it. But we are trying to persuade him, don't to give up. And Jessi attends French institute to blossom her French. Jonathan used to resort to German, when he doesn't want the other people understand his complaints. At school he started also to learn Spanish, in success of what I somehow don't really believe. And Fiorina is just doing her best. Moreover she is going to Hebrew school once a week, what she is really enjoying.

I'm always looking to find new ways to teach my children. For example, in their room I put on the wall some chalkboard stickers (one for Joni, one for Fiorina and one for Mami).

After they taking a bath we are playing in reading Russian. They do it with success, indeed!

Sure, I want more. I wish they are totally fluent in all the languages they are speaking and learning. I wish they learn more poems by heart. I wish, I wish, I wish... But it's not about me. It's about them. And I'm just striving to do my best to support them.

Turn over the page. Another language point.

As I started to read in English (it took me a while here!), I found some German words accepted in English. Here are a few of them:

Schadenfreude (remarkably!)
Wanderlust (my favorite!)

In sense of Zeitgeist bring yourself on the roots of Wanderlust. Show to your Wunderkinder right Muster and stellar Meisterwerke. And no halt and Schadenfreude on the way.
Love you all, liebe euch alle, с любовью!


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