пятница, 25 января 2013 г.

What do you read?

Do you also ever tell yourself, I wanna read more? And do you know this excuse, I don't have enough time?

I'm not a fast reader. So it takes time. Once I made a list (I love lists!) of books I read. I had this idea, you can measure even your life in books. When you read one book in a month, then ... You can count it. So we should be picky in what we choose to read.

Tell me what you read and I can tell you who you are. Does it work? I don't know.

At the moment I'm reading a book by Ken Follett http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Follett "Winter of the World", although in German translation.

Friends of ours gave it to Daniel and who is reading it first? Ya, ya. That's the thickest book so far I have ever read, more than 1000 pages (!). I like it a lot, it's very exciting. He writes about the time when Nazis took over Germany, but from different perspectives: families in Germany, America and England.

Usually I'm reading two books at the same time. One of them I have on my night table and read it before sleeping time (often 10 pages each time. Oh my God, I'm so particular. Who's not?). Another one I have in my everyday bag. I read it wherever I have time or when I have to wait for something. Actually it's from the popular Ukrainian author Oles Busina who writes about Ukrainian history. He has a  non-orthodox view on it.

I prefer real printed books. My daughter J. reads on her Kindle. We gave it to her as a New Years gift once. For a couple of months she didn't use it, but then she started to use it and reads now only on her Kindle. And she reads a lot. My son D. doesn't read at all. I mean, he reads a lot of stuff on the Internet, but not literature. Jo. loves to read and F., as you know, is going to be a writer.

Everyone is different. And it's ok.
One of my friends is a member of a book club, she is very literate. Another of my friends is reading something about impotent men (What? I was asking her. What would that be good for? A waste of time in my opinion). A third friend of mine starts to read in the middle of a book and, if it's interesting, goes back to the begging.

The main thing is to read in general. Read, think and feel.

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